Pandharpur By Air
Nearest airport to Pandharpur is at Pune, at a distance of 204 km away. Taxi cabs are available from Pune to Pandharpur at a fare of Rs 2500. Pune is well connected by flights to the major cities in India.
Pandharpur By Train
Nearest railway station to Pandharpur is at Kurduwadi, at distance of 52 km away. The major railhead nearby is Solapur, at a distance of 74 km away. Taxi cars are available on hire from Solapur to Pandharpur. Taxi charge is about Rs 1,000.
Trains to Mohol (Mohol train station is near Pandharpur)
Starting Station & Code |
Train Name & Number |
Arrival Time in Mohol |
Service Days |
M |
Tu |
W |
Th |
F |
Sa |
Su |
Chennai (MAS)
Mumbai Mail (1028) |
06:49 PM (duration: 19h 59m) |
![Mon Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Tue Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Wed Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Thu Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Fri Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Sat Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Sun Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
Mumbai (CSTM)
Chennai Mail (1027) |
07:58 AM (duration: 8h 23m) |
![Mon Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Tue Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Wed Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Thu Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Fri Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Sat Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
![Sun Y](../images/icon_tick.gif) |
Trains to Solapur (Solapur train station is near Pandharpur)
Pandharpur By Bus
State owned transport buses ply between Pandharpur and the nearest cities. The city is connected to Pune (204 km), Mumbai (386 km) and Solapur (74 km) by buses.
S.T. Time table |
Nagpur: 7-30 |
Echalkarnji : 8-15,,13-45,15-15,17-30 |
Akluj : Bus is available at every half hour from 6 AM to 9 PM |
Solapur : Bus is available at every half hour from 6 AM to 9 PM |
Nashik : 8-30,9-15,11-00 |
Kolhapur : 00-05,00-20,00-30,1-15,1-20,2-15,2-50,4-35,5-00,6-30,7-10,7-15,7-30,7-45,8-50,9-00,10-15, 10-30,11-00,11-20,12-00,12-35,13-15,14-00,15-00,15-45,17-30,18-05,18-30,19-05,20-45,22-30,23-30 |
Swarget : 5-30,6-00,6-00,6-15,7-00,7-30,7-45,8-00,8-30,9-15,10-00,10-30,11-00,11-30,12-00,12-00, 12-15,13-30,14-00,14-30,15-00,15-30,16-00,16-15,17-30,18-00,18-30,19-00,21-30,22-30,22-30 |
Vijapur : 10-00,12-45,13-30,14-30 |
Aurangabad : 9-30,11-05,12-00,17-00,21-55 |
Mumbai : 6-30,7,9-0016-30,20-30,21 |
Tuljapur :
3-45,8-20,8-45,9-50,11,11-30,14-15,15-15,17,17-30,21-35 |
Satara :
7-30,8-20,9-45,12-30,12-45,14-45,15-15,17-15,18-45,23-45 |
Shirdi : 12 |